Francisco Arqueros

Equipo de trabajo

ORCID: 0000-0001-7084-9147

EMAS Universidad de Almería

Departamento: Geografía, Historia y Humanidades

Contacto: arqueros@ual.es

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Resumen CV

Publications (Peer-reviewed journal articles)

(2023) Vagramenko, Tatiana; Arqueros, Francisco. “Criminotheology: Persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Putin’s Russia.” International Journal for Religious Freedom. Vol. 16 (2).

(2023) Vagramenko, Tatiana; Arqueros, Francisco. “La guerra santa del Russkiy mir: Religión y guerra en Ucrania.” Revista Política y Sociedad. Vol. 60 (1). (Q3 in Sociology and Political Science)

2022. Arqueros, Francisco, “Activation and precarity: the rewards of investing in the vulnerable” Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology. Volume 87 (1): 152-167

2020. Coulter, Colin; Arqueros, Francisco. “The Distortions of the Irish Recovery.” Critical Social Policy. Volume: 40 (1): 89-107

2019. Coulter, Colin; Arqueros, Francisco; Nagle, Angela. “Austerity’s model pupil: The ideological uses of Ireland during the Eurozone crisis” Critical Sociology. Vol. 45 (4-5): 697-711

2019. Arqueros, Francisco. “El horror de la industria doméstica: explotación, resistencia y cambio social en la agricultura capitalista”, Quaderns de l'Institut Catala d'Antropologia. Vol. 35: 41-59

2018. Arqueros, Francisco. “Vulnerabilidad social y mercado de trabajo en España: etnografía del programa de empleo de una organización de la sociedad civil” Batey. Revista Cubana de Antropología Sociocultural. Volume 11 (2): 67-80

2006. Arqueros, Francisco. “Low Wages, Migrant Labour and Politics in the Irish Mushroom Industry” Irish Journal of Anthropology. Vol. 9 (3): 47-55.


2020. Arqueros, Francisco. “La ambivalencia del ‘don’ de la asistencia social”. In Mikel Aramburu and Sílvia Bofill (eds.) Crisis y sentidos de injusticia. Tensiones conceptuales y aproximaciones etnográficas, Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. Pp. 175-192.

2017. Arqueros, Francisco; Palomera, Jaime; Loperfido, Giacomo. “Crisis económica, austeridad y estrategias cotidianas”. In Maria Vicente, Pepa García and Antonio Vizcaíno (eds.) Antropologías en transformación: sentidos, compromisos y utopías, Universidad de Valencia. Pp. 647-655.

2016. Arqueros, Francisco. “Exploitation and Resistance among Mushroom Agricultural Workers in Ireland”. In Dana Dülcke, Julia Kleinschmidt, Olaf Tietje, Juliane Wenke (eds.), Grenzen von Ordnung: Eigensinnige Akteurinnenzwischen (Un)Sicherheit und Freiheit. Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot. Pp. 100-115.

2015. Arqueros, Francisco. “Lessons from the Era of Partnership for the Irish Labour Movement”. Chapter in book. In Colin Coulter, Angela Nagle (eds.), Ireland Under Austerity: Neoliberal Crisis, Neoliberal Solutions. Manchester University Press. Pp. 219-240

2009. Arqueros, Francisco. “Contrast and Contradictions in Union Organising: the Irish Mushroom Industry”. In Gregor Gall (ed.), The Future of Union Organising: Building for Tomorrow, Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 205-222


2021. Arqueros, Francisco. The Sunset of Human Rights and Working with Emotions. Film Review: Of Land and Bread, 2019, by Ehab Tarabieh and B’Tselem. Anthropology News: Anthropology Book Forum open access book reviews (American Association of Anthropology)

2020. Arqueros, Francisco. Book review: Maggie Dickinson. 2019. Feeding the Crisis: Care and Abandonment. University of California Press. Anthropology News: Anthropology Book Forum open access book reviews (American Association of Anthropology). Vol 6, No 1 (2020).

2020. Arqueros, Francisco. Book review: Christian Zlolniski. 2019. Made in Baja: the lives of farmworkers and growers behind Mexico’s transnational agricultural boom, University of California Press. Anthropology News: Anthropology Book Forum (Vol 6 (1) open access book reviews (American Association of Anthropology).

2020. Arqueros, Francisco. Book review: Salvador Cayuela Sánchez, Klaus Schriewer, Damián O. Martínez (eds.) Dialécticas de la alteridad: Antropología y marxismo a comienzos del siglo XXI, Barcelona, Ediciones Bellaterra, 2018. ANUAC. Vol. 9 (1): 261-263

2019. Arqueros, Francisco. Joint book review: Susana Narotzky and Victoria Goddard, eds. Work and Livelihoods in Times of Crisis: History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis, Routledge, 2017 and Jong Bum Kwon and Carrie M Lane, eds. Anthropologies of Unemployment: New Perspectives on Work and Its Absence, ILR Press 2016. Work, Employment and Society 33 (6): 1077-1079

2018. Arqueros, Francisco. Book review: Tom Gill. Yokohama Street Life: The Precarious Career of a Japanese day Laborer. Lexington Books, 2015. Dialectical Anthropology, Vol. 42 (1): 93–95.